I'm happy ... I think. I mean, I'm getting everything I want. ... right? New house, good job, great kids, great guy ... I'm happy about all of these things. So why is it so hard to actually BE happy? To not complain, analyze, and obsess over everything that isn't going right and just appreciate and embrace what is? Instead, I find myself struggling with this new life, to find the right balance between mom, co-parent, employee, and girlfriend. It often feels that I'm letting someone down no matter what I do ... Lulu and Boo cry when I go out with P; exH is frustrated that I can't take more time off from work when Lulu and Boo are home sick or school is closed; when I take time off work, my chances at promotions and raises suffer. I haven't seen any of my friends in weeks. P goes with the flow, thankfully, and seems content with the time I can be with him.
Last night, I decided I wanted to sleep at P's. It's not something I do often, and I've never done it when Lulu and Boo are home. But I desperately wanted a break from being always on (even on exH's nights, I'm still the one who gets up when Boo cries and the one who gets woken up at 7 sharp by both kids), and selfishly, I wanted to spend the night with my boyfriend. It wasn't worth it. Lulu was so upset that she cried most of the evening, leaving two sobbing messages on my voice mail. Talk about buzz kill! I felt so guilty that I spent half an hour crying on P's balcony. P isn't great when I am upset, but he tried. Still, the night was kind of ruined and today wasn't much better, though we got through it ok. I'm glad P and I can work through these things, but I wish we didn't have to. And I can't help but worry that at some point, he won't want to anymore.
One thing that has made me happy lately is pondering paint colors for the new house. I take paint colors very seriously, much to P's chagrin (though I did give him a gorgeous green to use in the condo he's selling!). I own four Benjamin Moore paint decks and another from Restoration Hardware. I can rattle off every paint color I've ever used in the houses I've owned. I can't decide which would be my dream job: to create the paint colors or to name them. I love paint colors (if not the actual painting!).
I've spent at least 10 hours so far pouring over paint chips to find the perfect colors for each room. Lulu and Boo have chosen their colors (BM Cat's Meow and Golden Honey, respectfully) and I know I want a pale aqua for the living room/dining room. I've tried out three so far but haven't settled on the right one just yet. The kitchen will be either BM Desert Tan or RH Butter. I need to get back into the house to check my swatches against the cabinets and granite. My bathroom will be RH Cappuccino (mainly because I bought a gallon a year and a half ago that I never used). My bedroom still isn't settled ... perhaps a light green (BM Pale Sea Mist, the color I recommended to P, and which is currently in my kitchen, or it's color strip neighbor, Dill Pickle) or fresh white. I am dying to use a color from C2 called Bella Donna (a cross between lilac and gray ... the exact color of the sky at twilight), but it's a big risk ... we're talking 200 square feet of purple.
What are your favorite paint colors? Here are a few (more) of mine ...
BM August Morning -- stunning, but it only works in a sunny room ... ask me how I know
BM Pale Sea Mist -- the perfect light green with a touch of yellow, looks lovely with warm wood tones, gorgeous with red accents (and wow does it NOT look like that chip!)
BM Bird's Egg (left), Palladian Blue, Robin's Nest, Jamaican Aqua (center), and Sweet Dreams (right) -- all stunning shades of aqua, but none are quite right for the new place. Boo's room right now is Jamaican Aqua and I love it!
BM St Martin Sand -- warm taupey brown, neutral but a color, hard to describe but beautiful!
BM Olive Branch -- this was in my old master bedroom and I loved it ... hmm, may need to add this to the list for the new master bedroom. Rosemary Sprig is one color strip over and is also pretty.
RH Sea Green -- lovely muted blue-green that is in my room right now (but alas, still not quite what I have in mind for the new place)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My Favorite Mistake
I've been so busy with the house purchase (so much paperwork!) and the divorce (more paperwork!) that I've neglected to obsess over P for a week or two! Not completely, of course (you do know me better than that, don't you?). There was a few days where some idle gossip -- from R, no less! -- sent me back into drama-land. But R redeemed himself with perhaps the best relationship advice anyone has ever given me. At the height of my "are they or aren't they" freakout over P and his work wife (WW), R said: This isn't about her. It's about you and P. Period. Take her out of the equation.
And he was totally right. Whatever they are or aren't has been going on (or not) for seven years. No amount of obsessive fretting on my part is going to change that. The only thing I can do is decide ... do I trust P or not?
And yes, I do. Here's why ... he's not yet given me a reason not to. And I refuse to go through life starting from a position of fear and suspicion. Have I been hurt before by someone I trusted? Yeah, absolutely. Will it happen again? I'd put money on it. But I am making an active, thoughtful choice to be a trusting, loving person and accept any consequences that follow because the alternative -- allowing myself to become bitter and doubting and closed off -- is far worse.
Plus, P has patiently answered every question I've asked about WW, he has been open with me about their history and the nature of their relationship, and he's told several of his closest work friends about us. I would guess that most of our colleagues (at least any who care!) know by now, so he's certainly not trying to hide me from her. Most important, P is a good person. He's an odd guy and he's got some issues, but he's a good person who tries to make good decisions. So I am trusting him until he gives me a reason not to.
P and I were hanging out the other day on the balcony as he was smoking a pipe (a habit I was startled to discover I don't hate) and he joked that I needed a vice of my own. I shot back: you're my vice. And then I realized how true that is. P is absolutely my guilty pleasure. Something I know (or at least suspect) may not be good for me in the long run, but that I want anyway just because it makes me feel good right now. Maybe P will never be the loving husband and involved step-dad that I someday want for us, but he's fun and funny and interesting and smart and good in bed. I'm willing to concede that he may ultimately be a mistake. But he's definitely my favorite mistake so far.
And he was totally right. Whatever they are or aren't has been going on (or not) for seven years. No amount of obsessive fretting on my part is going to change that. The only thing I can do is decide ... do I trust P or not?
And yes, I do. Here's why ... he's not yet given me a reason not to. And I refuse to go through life starting from a position of fear and suspicion. Have I been hurt before by someone I trusted? Yeah, absolutely. Will it happen again? I'd put money on it. But I am making an active, thoughtful choice to be a trusting, loving person and accept any consequences that follow because the alternative -- allowing myself to become bitter and doubting and closed off -- is far worse.
Plus, P has patiently answered every question I've asked about WW, he has been open with me about their history and the nature of their relationship, and he's told several of his closest work friends about us. I would guess that most of our colleagues (at least any who care!) know by now, so he's certainly not trying to hide me from her. Most important, P is a good person. He's an odd guy and he's got some issues, but he's a good person who tries to make good decisions. So I am trusting him until he gives me a reason not to.
P and I were hanging out the other day on the balcony as he was smoking a pipe (a habit I was startled to discover I don't hate) and he joked that I needed a vice of my own. I shot back: you're my vice. And then I realized how true that is. P is absolutely my guilty pleasure. Something I know (or at least suspect) may not be good for me in the long run, but that I want anyway just because it makes me feel good right now. Maybe P will never be the loving husband and involved step-dad that I someday want for us, but he's fun and funny and interesting and smart and good in bed. I'm willing to concede that he may ultimately be a mistake. But he's definitely my favorite mistake so far.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Under Contract!
I have a house! Well, a contract to buy one, which is such a relief. It's a cute little house on a wooded lot with a waterfall in a great school district that I only somewhat overpaid for. The only downside? We don't close until July 23. Which is a lot of days from today. A lot of days to live with exH. My hope is that now that there is an end date, a flurry of paperwork, and paint colors to obsess over, that the time will go by quickly. Lulu and Boo are super excited -- they haven't seen the inside of the house yet, but I am going to take them over on Wed. during the inspection.
More later ... for now, here is a photo of my new waterfall.
More later ... for now, here is a photo of my new waterfall.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Instructions, Please
This whole single parenting thing? I'm not sure it's working out. Or maybe it's just the parenting part that's the problem. Boo? Has turned into a monster. Not a cute cuddly monster like Sully in Monsters, Inc. But a mean, scary monster like the ones I used to think lurked under my bed. He fights, he sulks, he throws temper tantrums. Oh my god, the tantrums. They may be the death of me. And they always (of course) occur when we need to be somewhere, like 10 minutes ago. He's 3 1/2 ... tell me this is just a phase. Please? I don't remember Lulu being so awful.
But Lulu is a challenge all her own. Last night she wants to know what it feels like to be dead. This morning she interrogates me on how to find someone to marry. How you make babies came up in there too. Where's the freaking manual?
Probably right next to "Post-Divorce Dating for Dummies."
I just can't shake the lingering doubts I have about P. Nothing's really changed. We fought, we made up, all was well. But somewhere in there my buttons got pushed (again) and now I am freaked out and scared. But I still don't know how much of that is me and how much is him. Let's break it down a bit, shall we?
Me: Trust issues. Like, big time
Him: Weird, overly close, but (we think) platonic relationship with married female coworker
Me: Falls in love too fast
Him: Been in love once in 45 years
Me: Wants connection
Him: Wants connection ... sometimes
Me: Abandonment issues
Him: There for me ... usually
Me: Commitment issues
Him: Commitment issues
Right. We've got some issues. But what to do? If the issues are mostly mine, I want to work on them, not walk away. If they're mostly his, then I'm willing to say enough. I just don't know where that line is. And, I have to admit, I'm scared. Not so much of not being with P (though I don't want to make a mistake -- it's hard to find someone you adore, have fun with, and are crazy attracted to), but of being alone again. And, to be fair, not even so much of being alone, but specifically of being alone while sharing a house with exH. Escaping to P's has been a life-saver these past few weeks, especially on the weekends. Where will I go now?
What should I do? Walk away now? Try to work things out with P? Give Lulu and Boo to exH and admit myself to a lovely insane asylum on the beach? (Those have to exist somewhere, right?)
But Lulu is a challenge all her own. Last night she wants to know what it feels like to be dead. This morning she interrogates me on how to find someone to marry. How you make babies came up in there too. Where's the freaking manual?
Probably right next to "Post-Divorce Dating for Dummies."
I just can't shake the lingering doubts I have about P. Nothing's really changed. We fought, we made up, all was well. But somewhere in there my buttons got pushed (again) and now I am freaked out and scared. But I still don't know how much of that is me and how much is him. Let's break it down a bit, shall we?
Me: Trust issues. Like, big time
Him: Weird, overly close, but (we think) platonic relationship with married female coworker
Me: Falls in love too fast
Him: Been in love once in 45 years
Me: Wants connection
Him: Wants connection ... sometimes
Me: Abandonment issues
Him: There for me ... usually
Me: Commitment issues
Him: Commitment issues
Right. We've got some issues. But what to do? If the issues are mostly mine, I want to work on them, not walk away. If they're mostly his, then I'm willing to say enough. I just don't know where that line is. And, I have to admit, I'm scared. Not so much of not being with P (though I don't want to make a mistake -- it's hard to find someone you adore, have fun with, and are crazy attracted to), but of being alone again. And, to be fair, not even so much of being alone, but specifically of being alone while sharing a house with exH. Escaping to P's has been a life-saver these past few weeks, especially on the weekends. Where will I go now?
What should I do? Walk away now? Try to work things out with P? Give Lulu and Boo to exH and admit myself to a lovely insane asylum on the beach? (Those have to exist somewhere, right?)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Housing Crisis
I just ordered this book on my Kindle and I can't wait to read it: Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House. It's about the author's quest to overcome the restlessness that drives her to want to move often and find the perfect home. I haven't read so much as a page yet, but already I suspect she and I may be soulmates.
Of course, house lust is very much on my mind right now. Practically speaking, I need a place to live that satisfies a few basic requirements: good school, safe neighborhood, not too far from work and exH. There are probably dozens of apartments that satisfy those needs, but they don't satisfy the deep desire I have for a HOME. A place where I can not only reside, but also live. Where I can breathe again, knowing the air, the walls, the cabinets are mine, where the rugs cannot be pulled out from under me. Literally or figuratively. Perhaps buying a house is not the answer to all of my problems (as the author of the book ultimately learns), but it may very well be the answer to my prayers. For me, it's a physical representation of the fresh start I am making in my life and the foundation of the new future I am building for myself.
The house I live in now feels oppressive and dark. Even though it was at one time my dream house. It has everything I thought I wanted, back when I thought I had the perfect life. The floors, the cabinets, the fixtures ... I hand-selected each of them and they all came together to create a home that, while beautiful, now reflects someone I can't quite remember. And in fact, I often feel that I am living in someone else's house, even though it was built and designed for me.
I have lived in this house now for nearly five years -- the longest I have lived anywhere in my life. For someone who claims to crave security and stability, that realization was a big surprise to me. No wonder I am aching to move. That's just what feels "normal" to me, and staying put feels like somehow I am stalled.
Let's take a quick journey through my abodes over the years, shall we?
Age 0-2: Small white house in Tallahassee, FL
Age 3-5: Beautiful house in the woods in Tallahassee
Age 6-7: Big white house in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Age 8: 3 different homes while my father was sick and then passed away (aunt's farmhouse, friend's big white house, small duplex, all in or near Tallahassee)
Age 9-12: Pretty wood house in Tallahassee
Age 12-15: Condo in Falls Church, VAAge 15-17: Another white house (!) in Alexandria, VA
Age 18-20: 5 different dorms at college, plus a summer stay at a beach house in Ocean City, MD
Age 21: Ancient apartment in Boston
Age 22-23: A few months at my mom's brick house in Alexandria, then a cool studio in Dupont Circle in DC
Age 24-25: A few months with a friend in Alexandria, then a nice apartment in Adams Morgan in DCAge 25-26: Bought my first house! Small brick townhouse in Alexandria
Age 26: Two different apartments in NYCAge 27-28: Back to the little brick townhouse
Age 30-35: A few months in the little brick townhouse, then a move across town to a big brick townhouse (house purchase #3)
Age 35-? ... Stay tuned ...
That's a lot of houses! More even than I would have guessed. How do you think all those moves affect a person? Especially when moving is considered one of the top 5 most stressful events in your life. My hope is that the next house will be a place where I can stay for many years. I think that's why I am so set against renting, even though in many ways that would be the best option for me. But renting means I will HAVE to move again while buying puts that decision in my hands alone. Who knows? Maybe the restlessness will kick in again in a few years. But just maybe I will find a true home.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Another Day, Another Drama
Where to start? The past week has been a blur of late nights, drunken confessions, issues with P, and continuing house drama. So bear with me while I give a few updates before digging into the heart of today's dilemmas.
The Ex Files, Day 11
Since I was barely home this week (see above on late nights), exH wasn't able to cause any real problems. There was a brief moment of panic when I thought he might not sign the formal separation papers. He did, and I was both relieved and exhausted. He left today for a trip and I am so thrilled to have my house back for five whole days!
Why I Don't Drink at Work Events
This week was our annual company meeting, where 250ish professionals act like frat boys for a night. I'm not usually one of them, but between the separation papers getting signed that day, dinner being served way too late, and some unbearably boring pre-dinner speakers, somehow I got myself quite drunk. And spilled the beans about me and P to one of the guys who works for him and to P's and my mutual boss. Not well, as P would say (and did). At the party, he claimed not to be upset, but the next day, he was pissed. I never figured out exactly why because plenty of people at work have seen us out together and know we're a couple. I think he mostly felt uneasy about me talking about him period. That's fair. I definitely regret those conversations. We made up about it, but something is not quite right ... stay tuned for a paragraph or two.
The Home Front
I still don't have a house. There's really not much to report except that the only house I love is one I can't comfortably afford. So do I stretch for a year or so until I get a raise and pay down some debt? Or do I give up on buying and rent (provided I can find a rental in the right school district, which is also iffy). I think I'm going to make one final offer and see what happens. One way or another, I've got to resolve this soon for my peace of mind.
And Now, Decision Time
Something's not right with P. But, we've known that for awhile, right? I heard some more gossip about him and our coworker (if you're just joining us, he is VERY close with a married coworker but swears nothing is going on) that made my stomach turn. It factored into our fight on Saturday and even though I am 97% sure I believe him, something's just not right. Maybe they aren't involved, but they are more than casual friends for sure, and I just feel there is something he's not telling me. So every time I hear something about them, that 3% doubt just gnaws away at me more and more. I don't want to stay with someone who starts out the relationship keeping things from me. There are other things that make me uneasy, too. I'm in this for real, but I'm not at all sure whether he is and many of my doubts stem from that.
But, I'm also not sure I'm ready to move on yet. I have real feelings for this guy, and if I'm going to end it, I have to be sure it's the right decision. I guess that means a(nother) conversation with him about it, and those never go well. Still, I owe it to myself and him to man up and talk about it face to face, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us both.
The Ex Files, Day 11
Since I was barely home this week (see above on late nights), exH wasn't able to cause any real problems. There was a brief moment of panic when I thought he might not sign the formal separation papers. He did, and I was both relieved and exhausted. He left today for a trip and I am so thrilled to have my house back for five whole days!
Why I Don't Drink at Work Events
This week was our annual company meeting, where 250ish professionals act like frat boys for a night. I'm not usually one of them, but between the separation papers getting signed that day, dinner being served way too late, and some unbearably boring pre-dinner speakers, somehow I got myself quite drunk. And spilled the beans about me and P to one of the guys who works for him and to P's and my mutual boss. Not well, as P would say (and did). At the party, he claimed not to be upset, but the next day, he was pissed. I never figured out exactly why because plenty of people at work have seen us out together and know we're a couple. I think he mostly felt uneasy about me talking about him period. That's fair. I definitely regret those conversations. We made up about it, but something is not quite right ... stay tuned for a paragraph or two.
The Home Front
I still don't have a house. There's really not much to report except that the only house I love is one I can't comfortably afford. So do I stretch for a year or so until I get a raise and pay down some debt? Or do I give up on buying and rent (provided I can find a rental in the right school district, which is also iffy). I think I'm going to make one final offer and see what happens. One way or another, I've got to resolve this soon for my peace of mind.
And Now, Decision Time
Something's not right with P. But, we've known that for awhile, right? I heard some more gossip about him and our coworker (if you're just joining us, he is VERY close with a married coworker but swears nothing is going on) that made my stomach turn. It factored into our fight on Saturday and even though I am 97% sure I believe him, something's just not right. Maybe they aren't involved, but they are more than casual friends for sure, and I just feel there is something he's not telling me. So every time I hear something about them, that 3% doubt just gnaws away at me more and more. I don't want to stay with someone who starts out the relationship keeping things from me. There are other things that make me uneasy, too. I'm in this for real, but I'm not at all sure whether he is and many of my doubts stem from that.
But, I'm also not sure I'm ready to move on yet. I have real feelings for this guy, and if I'm going to end it, I have to be sure it's the right decision. I guess that means a(nother) conversation with him about it, and those never go well. Still, I owe it to myself and him to man up and talk about it face to face, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us both.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Ex Files, Day 4
ExH is back in my house. It's only been four days and I have no idea how I am going to make it for two months! Or longer if I can't find myself a house, like, this week. Universe? Can you hear me? A house, please?
It's a little hard to explain just *why* life with exH is so awful. He's nice, polite, and (so far) neat. He makes us breakfast and takes Lulu and Boo for walks in the park and out to dinner. He offers to pick up groceries. All in all, he's the perfect houseguest-slash-father of my children.
But I am miserable. After 15 months of freedom, I've instantly been tossed back in time two years. Back then I planned out nearly every minute of my at-home hours to minimize any interaction with him. He was angry, irritable, and often drinking. Nearly any conversation, however trivial, turned into a fight. So I hid. Sometimes literally, in my room or in the playroom with the kids, wherever he was most likely to leave me alone. Sometimes I hid in plain sight, making sure the kids didn't get too loud, eating family meals quickly and silently, and sleeping curled up in a corner of the bed. It was oppressive and exhausting.
Then he left and suddenly I could say and do whatever I wanted, whenever I pleased. The joy! The kids could make as much noise as they liked. If we wanted to stay up late on a Saturday night watching a movie, that was just fine, too. We settled into a new routine and grew into our new life.
Now that's all on hold and I am back to hiding. Luckily, I can escape sometimes ... to the pool, to P. But when I am home, I don't want to hang out with him and the kids as if we're all a family again. I worry that it's ultimately too confusing for Lulu and Boo (and I suspect, exH too). Because soon (right, Universe?) we're going to move out and go back to the life I have so carefully built for us this past year. Just not soon enough.
It's a little hard to explain just *why* life with exH is so awful. He's nice, polite, and (so far) neat. He makes us breakfast and takes Lulu and Boo for walks in the park and out to dinner. He offers to pick up groceries. All in all, he's the perfect houseguest-slash-father of my children.
But I am miserable. After 15 months of freedom, I've instantly been tossed back in time two years. Back then I planned out nearly every minute of my at-home hours to minimize any interaction with him. He was angry, irritable, and often drinking. Nearly any conversation, however trivial, turned into a fight. So I hid. Sometimes literally, in my room or in the playroom with the kids, wherever he was most likely to leave me alone. Sometimes I hid in plain sight, making sure the kids didn't get too loud, eating family meals quickly and silently, and sleeping curled up in a corner of the bed. It was oppressive and exhausting.
Then he left and suddenly I could say and do whatever I wanted, whenever I pleased. The joy! The kids could make as much noise as they liked. If we wanted to stay up late on a Saturday night watching a movie, that was just fine, too. We settled into a new routine and grew into our new life.
Now that's all on hold and I am back to hiding. Luckily, I can escape sometimes ... to the pool, to P. But when I am home, I don't want to hang out with him and the kids as if we're all a family again. I worry that it's ultimately too confusing for Lulu and Boo (and I suspect, exH too). Because soon (right, Universe?) we're going to move out and go back to the life I have so carefully built for us this past year. Just not soon enough.
Monday, May 3, 2010
No More Mr. Nice Guy? And the Problem With P, Continued
Somehow I have become the resident divorce expert at my office. I've now had three colleagues come to me with their marriage woes. One, S, was an old friend until he confided his desire to have an affair (and later, tried to start one with me, coincidentally on the same night that P and I first confessed our mutual interest). S and I haven't talked much since. I'm sure I don't know the full story there, and prior to this, I thought S was a really great guy, but whatever his deal now, I have zero interest in becoming anyone's other woman.
The other two, my best friend, R, and my boss, RC, are really suffering. These are good guys. Nice guys. Guys who love their wives and children and are desperate to keep their families together. And their wives just seem to have stopped loving them. I of all people know there are always two sides to a marriage, so who knows what goes on behind closed doors, but I gotta say, at least right now, these two are fighting like hell not to get divorced. Bending over backwards, doing all sorts of backflips and front flips and triple-axel/double-toe-loop combos to make their wives stay. And what I have said to them both is ... stop. Just stop. If she doesn't love you now, when you have completely remolded yourself to fit her every desire, she's not going to suddenly wake up and change her mind as she's walking all over you. She'll just keep on walking out the door. In fact, I suspect that their wives have lost interest in part *because* their husbands have been so accommodating.
Take R. R is outgoing, loves sports, thrives on hanging out with the guys, but for years he gave up on all that for his wife, J, an introvert because he thought she wanted him to stay home with her. R gradually resented giving up his friends for J, who it turns out would have preferred the alone time. That's just one example of how instead of being honest about what he wanted, he tried so hard to make her happy that they both ended up miserable. J surely shares responsibility too, of course, which they finally realize, but I think it's probably too late.
And then take RC, a smart, sweet, very successful guy. I don't have the long history with him that R and I have, but I have known him long enough to know that he's a genuinely good person whose primary sin was being a little too addicted to the Blackberry. His wife, K, had an affair with her coworker, RC found out and decided to try to work through it. He gave up the Blackberry on nights and weekends, went to counseling, bought new, cooler clothes, and got a tattoo. (Hey, at least he was trying.) He got a personal chef to make dinners so he and his wife would have more time together in the evenings, took her away for a long trip to try to get things back on track and she ... she's done nothing. Is he blameless? Again, of course not. But my man is trying so damn hard. Surely that is worth something?
It breaks my heart to see these two so helpless, watching their families fall apart. It both makes me feel a little better about men in general and reinforces how impossibly difficult marriage is. There's nothing I can do except listen, offer up my own experience, and scribble out my lawyer's name and number on a folded up Post-It when asked. Good luck guys, I have my fingers crossed for you.
The Problem With P, Continued
P and I didn't have one of our trademark magical weekends. I was tired and feeling overwhelmed. He was tired and generally not feeling well. What I thought was a minor bitch about work sent him on a rant about how I always complain but never do anything about it (not entirely untrue). We got past that, only to have another clash when I tried to talk to him about some (again, to me, minor) frustrations I had with our relationship. [Note to self: post-sex is never a good time for that discussion!!] I thought I was trying to understand where he was coming from; he thought I was criticizing him. Not good. The next day wasn't much better, though we managed to leave things on a pretty good note.
So what's the problem with P? I feel like we're missing a deeper connection. I can't quite explain it to him, but it's that thing that makes you think about the other person throughout your day, to want to share your all your news, big or small, good and bad. P doesn't understand what I mean. He says, of course you can come to me with your problems, of course I am here for you. But he doesn't share his. He doesn't check in with me throughout the week to see how I am doing, even when he knows I've got a lot on my mind, as I did last week. So it feels lopsided for me to do those things.
But, you know, I've realized that I have no idea how this is supposed to work. If P says he is there for me (and when I do go to him, he listens and offers support), am I just looking for trouble? During the disastrous relationship chat, he told me, "If you go looking for problems, you're eventually going to find them." I think he might be right. If I look back at my previous relationships, I definitely have a history of doing that.
What I've been puzzling over is why. Why do I go looking for flaws? R asked me today if I've ever felt that "deeper connection" I was craving from P. His theory is that I am the one who doesn't let anyone "be there for me" because I don't ever let anyone in completely. I think he might be right too. Definitely food for thought.
And on a totally unrelated note ...
Boo thinks he is Blue, the dog from Blue's Clues, and will only talk in bow-wows. Cute. Bizarre, but cute.
The other two, my best friend, R, and my boss, RC, are really suffering. These are good guys. Nice guys. Guys who love their wives and children and are desperate to keep their families together. And their wives just seem to have stopped loving them. I of all people know there are always two sides to a marriage, so who knows what goes on behind closed doors, but I gotta say, at least right now, these two are fighting like hell not to get divorced. Bending over backwards, doing all sorts of backflips and front flips and triple-axel/double-toe-loop combos to make their wives stay. And what I have said to them both is ... stop. Just stop. If she doesn't love you now, when you have completely remolded yourself to fit her every desire, she's not going to suddenly wake up and change her mind as she's walking all over you. She'll just keep on walking out the door. In fact, I suspect that their wives have lost interest in part *because* their husbands have been so accommodating.
Take R. R is outgoing, loves sports, thrives on hanging out with the guys, but for years he gave up on all that for his wife, J, an introvert because he thought she wanted him to stay home with her. R gradually resented giving up his friends for J, who it turns out would have preferred the alone time. That's just one example of how instead of being honest about what he wanted, he tried so hard to make her happy that they both ended up miserable. J surely shares responsibility too, of course, which they finally realize, but I think it's probably too late.
And then take RC, a smart, sweet, very successful guy. I don't have the long history with him that R and I have, but I have known him long enough to know that he's a genuinely good person whose primary sin was being a little too addicted to the Blackberry. His wife, K, had an affair with her coworker, RC found out and decided to try to work through it. He gave up the Blackberry on nights and weekends, went to counseling, bought new, cooler clothes, and got a tattoo. (Hey, at least he was trying.) He got a personal chef to make dinners so he and his wife would have more time together in the evenings, took her away for a long trip to try to get things back on track and she ... she's done nothing. Is he blameless? Again, of course not. But my man is trying so damn hard. Surely that is worth something?
It breaks my heart to see these two so helpless, watching their families fall apart. It both makes me feel a little better about men in general and reinforces how impossibly difficult marriage is. There's nothing I can do except listen, offer up my own experience, and scribble out my lawyer's name and number on a folded up Post-It when asked. Good luck guys, I have my fingers crossed for you.
The Problem With P, Continued
P and I didn't have one of our trademark magical weekends. I was tired and feeling overwhelmed. He was tired and generally not feeling well. What I thought was a minor bitch about work sent him on a rant about how I always complain but never do anything about it (not entirely untrue). We got past that, only to have another clash when I tried to talk to him about some (again, to me, minor) frustrations I had with our relationship. [Note to self: post-sex is never a good time for that discussion!!] I thought I was trying to understand where he was coming from; he thought I was criticizing him. Not good. The next day wasn't much better, though we managed to leave things on a pretty good note.
So what's the problem with P? I feel like we're missing a deeper connection. I can't quite explain it to him, but it's that thing that makes you think about the other person throughout your day, to want to share your all your news, big or small, good and bad. P doesn't understand what I mean. He says, of course you can come to me with your problems, of course I am here for you. But he doesn't share his. He doesn't check in with me throughout the week to see how I am doing, even when he knows I've got a lot on my mind, as I did last week. So it feels lopsided for me to do those things.
But, you know, I've realized that I have no idea how this is supposed to work. If P says he is there for me (and when I do go to him, he listens and offers support), am I just looking for trouble? During the disastrous relationship chat, he told me, "If you go looking for problems, you're eventually going to find them." I think he might be right. If I look back at my previous relationships, I definitely have a history of doing that.
What I've been puzzling over is why. Why do I go looking for flaws? R asked me today if I've ever felt that "deeper connection" I was craving from P. His theory is that I am the one who doesn't let anyone "be there for me" because I don't ever let anyone in completely. I think he might be right too. Definitely food for thought.
And on a totally unrelated note ...
Boo thinks he is Blue, the dog from Blue's Clues, and will only talk in bow-wows. Cute. Bizarre, but cute.
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