"If only we'd stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time."
- Edith Wharton

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Year of Happiness: Day 1

5 Things That Made Me Happy Today

1. Boo dressed himself! Since the morning routine with him has been a battle the past few weeks, I am grateful any time I don't have to shove flailing limbs into jeans and long-sleeve Ts.

2. I was able to give some actual advice to a colleague I mentor at work. My company assigns mentors somewhat haphazardly, so I was lucky to get two smart, capable, interesting women assigned to me. They are pretty talented, so anytime I feel like I've actually helped them is an accomplishment!

3. Lulu liked a book I chose! I took a chance and pulled out one of my all-time favorite books, The Little Prince, to read at bedtime tonight. Usually, she rejects my choices simply because they were not her choices. But tonight? She cuddled close and hung on every word. We read three chapters and she pleaded for more! I am so thrilled, especially since the new pop-up version of the book is on my "possible" list for Christmas or her birthday.

4. The American Girl holiday catalog arrived in the mail today! Lulu and Boo are both American Girl fans, but I think I love the dolls more than they do.

5. Cuddling with Boo at bedtime. I am incredibly grateful that at 5 and 2, Lulu and Boo's favorite thing in the world is being with me.

and a bonus ...
Today, at least, Lulu and Boo are both healthy. I'm always grateful for that, of course, but with H1N1 swirling about, I am sincerely thankful for every day that they are OK.

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